The client has addressed our team intending to develop a platform and Android application for owners of the recreational vehicles. The prime goal of the project was to build a space with information on the vehicle maintenance, road trips, bookings, and the best routes.
The client has approached our team with an idea to improve the travel experience and design a space where RV owners can record and track the condition of their vehicle, as well as build routes and discover new roads. We were developing the platform and app focusing on:
- real-time vehicle monitoring
- easy navigation
- messaging tools
- global alerts settings
- vehicle health management
When developing a platform and app for hassle-free and unforgettable trips, we’ve faced several roadblocks:
- to set up real-time fleet park tracking and management;
- to receive prompt and intuitive app notifications that ensure RV safety standards;
- to design a user-friendly interface so that users provide RV maintenance and schedule service;
- to input records and photos to the system about vehicle maintenance;
- to enable custom notifications on essential details like registration renewal dates, etc.
We’ve implemented the following solutions:
Vehicle Maintenance as a Prime Focus
The entire platform and an app are designed to update users with real-time information about their vehicles. That’s why we created a separate tab where they can manage, track, and monitor RV conditions. This data minimizes possible road incidents and ensures driving safety.
Global Alerts Settings not to Miss a Thing
Whether upcoming maintenance or lack of fuel for the chosen route, the systems provide all details to make the trip safe, simple, and fun.
Message Tool to Record Messaging History
Streamline and monitor fuel data to diminish We designed this section to display all the messages sent to the vehicle’s head unit.
Track RV Maintenance and Recalls
Both app and platform allow users to plan RV maintenance and get feedback about the vehicle they want to rent
- Mobile App: Objectve C, Java, Kotlin
- Frontend: Reactjs, Graphql
- Backend: Elixir, Phoenix, RabbitMq, Redis, Postgresql, Graphql, Oauth2
- Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, Kibana
Our team has managed to meet safety standards. With the integrated solutions, our client uses multiple alerts to keep users updated about their RV: speed, harsh braking, harsh acceleration, harsh turn, night driving, and fatigue. The company can also use data about the vehicle to manage and improve the fleet park.